Bio-Europe 2024German Exhibitors BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH

BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH

Booth number: 179-02

About us

BioM has been the network organization of the biotechnology industry in Munich and Bavaria for over 25 years and operates as a non-profit organization on behalf of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs. BioM fosters a distinctive ecosystem in medical biotechnology, serving as a catalyst for innovation, growth and value creation. It interconnects stakeholders across Bavaria and identifies significant and sustainable trends.

In addition to providing tailored guidance for founders, we support selected Bavarian start-up teams from the life sciences and healthtech sectors with our incubator MAxL (Munich Accelerator Life Sciences & Medicine). MAxL offers high-end infrastructure, a structured incubation and coaching program as well as access to the extensive BioM network.

Moreover, BioM has been coordinating the m4 Award pre-seed competition in the field of biomedicine since 2011, which is funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs with a total of 2.5 million euros. To date, BioM has supported more than 250 start-ups. Besides organizing prominent events and network meetings, BioM offers a diverse range of training courses specifically tailored to meet the needs of stakeholders within the Bavarian Biotech Community.


BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH
Am Klopferspitz 19a
82152 Martinsried

Phone:  +49 89 899679-0

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