Bio-Europe 2024Products & Services EchoLUTION FFPE RNA Kit


BioEcho Life Sciences GmbH

Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues samples serve as a valuable data source for the study of diseases. Due to the fixation and preservation procedure FFPE samples are challenging to analyze in many molecular biological assays. Besides, workflows are tedious, time-consuming, and often involve hazardous reagents.

The EchoLUTION FFPE RNA Kit offers a simplified workflow for an efficient RNA extraction from any kind of FFPE tissues in one hour less than other kits on the market (for 12 samples). The isolated RNA is ready-to-use in standard downstream applications such as RT-qPCR. Further, it exhibits superior quality for RNA-seq with more unique mappers and gene count detected. Our EchoLUTION technology allows extraction of RNA in a single step after tissue decrosslinking and paraffin removal without the need of lenghty incubations. Impurities are held back by the purification matrix while the RNA flows through untouched.

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